
Thursday, October 30, 2008

I am fully procrastinating at work right now. I am having one of those weeks. I just cannot focus on what I need to do, and I feel like I am getting nothing accomplished. I only have about 6 weeks of work left here...and I am trying to savour it as much as possible, but right now I just want to be done. I think it will help when I know where we're living, and when we start to pack and really get ready to leave. I am mulling around the thoughts of what I want to do when we move. I have had 2 job interviews/opportunities already. That has been exciting. But I'm almost not ready to think about that yet, but in a way I have to. I think I just need a weekend to gather my thoughts, relax and not think about work (I have worked almost 11 days in a row).

I am dressing up tomorrow, and I am quite excited about it. I am dressing up as the kid Max from Where the Wild Things Are. It is a pretty ridiculous outfit, and most people will have no clue who I am, but I am looking forward to it. I'll try to even get a picture and see if it can be posted up here (I wonder if we can do that?).

Well, I am about ready to leave work now. See ya!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The 502nd 

I don't really have anything to say, but I randomly checked this blog today and decided to write something. Hi everyone.

Dan and I are moving to Abbotsford in just over a month from now. Wow! Well, I am moving down for a week and getting settled in, then coming back to Kelowna to finish up my job until Christmas. I wish we were there and settled already. This transition time is full of so many emotions from all directions. While I am excited and anxious and happy about what is coming, I am also sad and relieved and happy about what we are leaving. I am trying to savour as much of the time I have now as I can. It's not that I especially like Kelowna - no, I don't even like it. But I am appreciating parts of it so much more now. I keep having that feeling of "things will never be just as they are right now." And I now that phrase applies all of the time, but I really feel it especially in some deep way. It doesn't make me sad, just a bit sober, for lack of a better word.

Anyways, this blog has passed my quota of "deep" for today. There's nothing on TV and I am home alone right now so I am watching the TV listings channel and listening to music. There are 3 things I HATE about the TV listings channel.
1. The colors are hideous
2. All it advertises is weight loss products and they are on so frequently I feel like they are just constantly telling me I am fat and need to lose weight (even though I don't even know who "they" are)
3. Sometimes just as you get to the channel you want to see, the list jumps to a whole new place and you have to start all the way from the beginning again. Drives me crazy!!!

But I am a bit of a sucker for the music they play sometimes. Not because it is any good - actually it is usually terrible. However, my parents used to play this music when I was a kid - I think on a record player - and sometimes those songs come on. That makes me happy.

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