
Friday, November 07, 2003

I've decided that 80's new wave bands are cool. Not just were cool, but are cool. Objectively cool. I figure that any group of people who went to that much effort to be abstract/obscure must have had some deeper conscience . . . Some common understanding perhaps . . . Something that would make them say something like this:

"You know, I don't think there's enough synth rock with opera voices out there these days. Not enough people sing about Hot 80's topics like sexuality and computers. And there's definitely not enough people wearing really obscure/uncomfortable clothing and black makeup. I think I'll change all that. And I have greasy hair, which is a great start."

And that's exactly what they did. Many people think that new wave music is extinct, but I think it's just underground. Plotting a new world conquest. I hope No Doubt leads the way . . .
Just because they could.

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