
Sunday, December 21, 2003

Holly - you are so right! Why don't we pray? Seriously.

I'm not at the place I was when I came into bible college a few years back. My dreams and ideals are not quite the same. But, yet...I don't know. I think I needed those dreams to get to where I am now, but I don't think those dreams are going to be fulfilled in the way that I had envisioned. And that's okay. I have different dreams now. Some of them may not appear to be so glamorous as the originals, but life isn't all about glamour all the time. I want to go where God wants...and that's all that matters. Sometimes I get frustrated because I wish I could be as passionate and idealistic as I once was, but a lot of that was probably naive and immature. I still think that God will give me dreams that I can fulfill with passion, but I think it will just be different than I had thought. I'm rambling a little bit now. Yeah, sometimes I get scared that I'll give up my dreams altogether. Like, some of them go against the flow of the way we live in this society. And I don't know how it will all work out. But Jesus says not to worry about tomorrow. So that's kinda where I'm at.

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