
Wednesday, December 17, 2003

How do people read my mind so easily?

Blah day. Well, I did a lot it seems...but nothing that really accomplished much. Though I suppose that is not such a bad thing.

Now that I have time, I find I have a lot more on my mind. Or maybe it was always there but no time to express it. There is so much pain and hurt around. I guess my whole 22 years of existence have been blessed and I have not had to experience much pain firsthand. And then this last couple of months it hit me hard. Not me directly...but all around me. It's so much more evident than ever before. I've seen the effects of pain in the lives of people around me - people I love and care about. It is no longer a formula that can be contained. I wrote a philosophy paper on evil. Sure, I can answer the argument. But having an intelligent answer doesn't always help the people who are hurting. I want to help people who are hurting. I believe there is hope. Sometimes it's not so easy to see, but I have to believe it is there.
And don't worry. I'm not super depressed or anything. This has been something long on my mind. Just thought I'd share.

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