
Tuesday, December 16, 2003

I am awake too early
is it early if you haven't gone to sleep yet?

there is alot of snow here and many slushes too
there is alot of coffee around and tim Hortons stew
and now

I want to remain the too freakn sensitive kid that I am, I mean I was thinking about switching personalities with that board (you know the one), but man maybe lifes emotions are the best part

I watched Fight club again(this doesn't mean you need to watch it Sara lynn)(But Brad Pitt is the man), and the thing is, if you don't stop and let the acid burn you... it will just go bye as if not happening. Maybe we shouldn't be those so quick to the cure or antedote, as many even hold it out freely, and instead realize the pain, absolutely. Don't apply this to salvation (Bible college disclaimer).

Dan, Don't give up on your dream!

I think I would rather be and actor than a drummer.

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