
Saturday, May 29, 2004

There's still hope...

Today, I saw two things that made me happy. The first, I was at work, unloading a transfer load from the old warehouse to the new. My boss' wife was in our new breakroom, cleaning it up so we could start using it next week. My boss walked in from outside, having just arrived from the old warehouse. When he saw that his wife was there, he smiled. He didn't wave, he didn't shout hello. They didn't even exchange a glance. He just smiled, because she was there.

Second, I was walking home from the bus stop and I had to pass this couple who was holding hands, and as I did, the guy was singing to the girl, and she was giggling.

On a side note, we have a new pet at work, named Fluffy. He was a squirrel. A few months back, he got caught between some boxes and the wall. He's now about 1/4inch thick, flattened against the wall. He's stuck, and it's funny.

"Here comes a strange cargo
Here comes a light that leaves out of here
Sweet Lord
All I've known is badness
Sweet Lord
All I've known is pain"

"Satellites ahead
So hold on"

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