
Monday, August 30, 2004

Holiday...far away 

So...for the record, I have moved again. It's almost like I'm Moey or something (tee he he...that was a joke). I live in the dorms. Well, for today. Tomorrow, I'm off to the island. Hooray! A holiday for me. But this is to say to everyone who I won't see, have a fun week. Enjoy this last chance of freedom - well, those of you who do have to come back to the hill.

AND...I am done cleaning bathrooms! YIPEE!!! That's how excited I am. Done, done and done! Never to clean the entire Holdcroft in a single day again. And I've come to a decision. The guy that I marry will have to make some sort of vow at our wedding that says he'll clean the bathroom for the rest of our lives. I think that's the way it's gotta be. I've done my share for a lifetime I do think. Hehe.

My new number is 6947.

Goodbye for now.

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