
Friday, August 06, 2004

I think this is the most bittersweet time of my life ever! Bitter because I am so sick of my job and almost at the point of hating it, I live in a grossly old building, and I am away from Dan still...after already a whole year of him being gone. Sweet because most of my close friends live around here keeping me from going insane and contributing to many good times, it is summer and sunny for the most part (except today) and I have the most incredible boyfriend in the world who I get to see for these flash visits of pure bliss. I suppose the sweetness is enough to get through the bitter parts of life. Otherwise, it would suck a lot more.

Donkers, I think you would have gone for my set-up...if the timing and circumstances were different.

Don't forget: Berry Party, coming soon!

Did I mention that we (Dan and I) met Matthew Good the other day? Well, we did. It was cool. We chased after him. And shook his hand. And he talked to us for a bit and then said, "Well, cheers!" And left. Definitely cool.

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