
Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Monday, September 6, 2004-moey's life 

"they are so gay! i can't believe he was flirting with you and not me!!" -one of my male co-workers to me (gay or not, that guy was totally flirting with ME).
"i ordered the extreme whopper at burger king and my boyfriend freaked out about me ordering the most expensive thing on the menu. i think i have to talk to him and let him know i think he needs to treat me better." -another of my male co-workers to me.

i also was called "sweetie" more times monday (and yesterday) than the rest of my life combined.

work was lots of fun. i'm going to like it there. it's funny how much of a difference it is to work in the same company in chilliwack and then yaletown. not unexpected, just funny.

i also love getting off work and being in vancouver. i just wandered around yesterday and had such a good time. i found myself at virgin records and bought the garden state soundtrack (so good, and only $13.99), i then stumbled across a used cd store on granville, and bought the cardigans cd i was half looking for, because it was only $8.99 and then 25% off; how could i resist?

i had such a good day, that on the way home i was smiley, happy, confident moey. i missed a bus that i was exchanging to, but that couldn't dampen my spirits, even though it was after 9 and dark and the next bus wasn't coming for almost an hour. so i wandered over to the nearby shell station, so i wouldn't be sitting in a dark place by myself, and looked around in there a bit, bought an orange juice, and then went outside and sat on the bench right outside the door, where the workers could see and it was well lit.
flash forward about 5 minutes. i'm sitting there on the bench, listening to my new cd's on my discman, drinking oj. i kind of caught from the corner of my eye that someone was walking by, so i looked up (not an unreasonable thing to do), it was this fairly good looking guy, he smiled and i probably smiled back, being happy, confident moey, and then he winked at me. oh dear. and then he came over to me. he asked me what i was doing, i said i was waiting for my ride home, he said he would give me a ride home, i refused. he then continued on his way into the gas station. phew. when he came back out he went straight to his vehicle, a pimped out explorer- lowered, tinted windows etc-leaned in, and then two of his buddies got out. they came over to where i was sitting. then they all started talking at once, asking me where i was going, saying they could give me a ride, offering me beer, offering me a smoke, and on and on. i was feeling swarmed and freaked out and was refusing them and trying to make them go away. i had just had the brilliant idea to get the hell away from there, when creepy guy #1 said "you're so cute", and TOUCHED MY FACE!!!!!! not just a little, with both hands, all over my face. he very nearly go punched by me. instead, i stood up, became angry eyes moey, and told him not to do that. i then bee lined it away from there, as fast as i could, to safety.

do i look like a target? i don't feel like i come off as a victim, someone who would be easy or something....and i don't know what the lesson is here...don't transfer buses in ladner? don't smile at guys? don't be alone ever? don't go out at night? i got swarmed and panicked and didn't react immediately when they all came over. the lesson is probably there? maybe i should have done something more severe...i don't know....

anyway, i've had chance to regroup. three stupid creepy guys can't ruin my day, my week, and certainly not living here. i'm loving it here.

living in the city is the right place for me right now. i'm coming alive, i'm becoming me. i'm going to enjoy this, and i think you will too.

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