
Friday, September 03, 2004

Taxi Drivers. 

There are a few observations that I have made about Taxi drivers in Abbotsford. Every driver with the exception of one has been brown. Also, all have been friendly or at least congenial and they all call me dear. Therefore I have come to the conclusion that all taxi drivers are brown (except for one), friendly or congenial and call me dear. There are a few in particular that I would like to blog about.

Talky Mctalkerson - Has a serious aversion to fat smelly people. Possibly slightly obsessed with avoiding those customers. Complains about smell alot and refuses to pick up the smelliest ones because later clients complain about his smelly van. Believes if he were very fat he would run everywhere instead of taking a taxi - especially if it was to McDonalds. Will spray Fabreeze with compulsive dilligence to avoid bad smells.

Three Thumbed Ravi - Actually has three thumbs (and if I remember correctly his name is Ravinder). Two thumbs are located on his right hand directly beside each other, both perfectly formed. From what I have learned being born with 2 thumbs on one hand is considered good luck in Indian culture. From the long shifts the poor guy works (as well as a second job) I may disagree. However, he is one of the happiest people I have met. Very fatherly and talks about everything. Cannot believe how white I am, though glad I don't look rediculous like those overly tanned leathery white girls who think alligator skin is attractive. Yes he said that. Also thinks I am such a "nice girl". Talks about his children and wife with exceptional affection

The Godfather - This guy sounds and looks like an Indian Marlon Brando. I can't believe that the guys on the radio understand him. I think they might just here noise and recognize it as him being free to pick up a new client. Also talks on the cell phone almost every time I get in the car. I think he must have a buisness on the side possibly part of the Indian moffia using taxi driving as a cover. Bad joke, too predictable.

The Accupuncturist - He works 5 days a week driving a taxi and then 2 performing accupunctures. Apparently there is not much money in Accupuncture

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