
Sunday, December 19, 2004

from a blessing to a curse... 

i am a very visual person. i think visually. i remember visually. a picture is worth far more than a thousand words to me. as a screenwriter this can often be difficult becuase i want to describe what i see, but the medium of screewriting limits description (which i enjoy because it challenges me). most of the time i love how visual i am, how easily i can see beauty etc...but sometimes, like right now, i just wish i could burn images out of my head.
i read something horrible on friday. somebody had written a very detailed description of a kidnap, rape, and murder of a woman-it was written in the first person, like they had actually done it. it was found at my work and we turned it in to the police. as i was reading it, thinking how horrendous this was if it was true and had happened, i was inadvertatly adding images to the words i was reading. now, i can hope that the story was just written by some sicko that imagined it and never did it, or i can think the worst and think it's possible that the person who committed something so horrible was at my store and wrote that on the newspaper. Both make me sad. The story made me weep to think that the things described may have happened to someone (and do happen to people when they are raped and/or murdered)
and i can't get the images out of my head. last night i woke up sweating and crying, just from the images. when i shut my eyes i can see the graphic things described. and it haunts me.

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