
Tuesday, December 28, 2004

hollydaze Northern Review. 

Well, its that time again folks -my second annual northern review. A little late, but hopefully still insightful. It's That little reminder that life anywhere but Prince George is likely more sane but less entertaining. I may be crazy since most occurances didn't feel out of the ordinary. Here are my notes so far:
- The satellite guy came over to fix it and we had a great conversation about Lou Reed -during and post velvet underground. The sattelite guy is like sixty and we've never met. He knows my brother and was wondering if he was still dating his neighbour. No clue how this guy knows him. Said he's be back the next day to actually fix the satellite. Being true to nortern life he of course did not.
- In the parking lot of "Northern Fitness Center" aka redneck gym, I saw a guy working out with a baseball hat and full on mullet and of course a mustache. While he was on the bike, he was vigorously wiping the sweat off of the handlebars.
-Also, a guy that I went to highschool with was sitting at the registration desk. I do not think he has moved from that spot in eight years.
-While packing for Edmonton, we had to find two bear skins in the freezer to drop off at a taxedermist on the way. We had to moved the skinned deer around to find it. I only thought it was funny when mom stuck their skinned legs out with their hooves sticking straight up and made them dance. I am sick
-Carolyn Bull, Dale's wife (cf: last years blog) was the talk to the hockey rink after she figured out that it would be far more convenient to skate onto the ice to sing the anthem instead of shakily walking out there. Apparently she is ingenious, being the first to actually think of it and has been complimented many times since.

another peice that I would like to compliment with the review this year, is one more specifically focused on northern Tim Horton's culture. These are just a few things that may distinguish a northern Timmy's from a southern.
- If you see your teacher from Grade one there.
- Two customer's who have just run into eath other. One says, "hey, give Bullseye a good kick - she's been chewing on my fence again". Upon hearing this you don't think anything of it, because you understand the plight of a wood fence and a neighbour's horse. Then after some reflection deem it blog worthy.
- "the girl next door" look involves moccasins. The real kind, not those damn slippers. The full on up-to-your-knees, with pom pom, leather deal. Also can be complimented with a parka
- groups of teenagers make out at the cash register.
- Men check women out openly and unabashedly. Because they aren't being creepy, just honest. Except the old ones. They try to be creepy I think.
- you find yourself there on a daily basis, even if you don't like coffee.

Well, those were some of the best moments that I can think of.

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