
Saturday, December 18, 2004

Oh, Christianese. 

So we went to the battle of the bands last night, held at victory Christian center. And christian center it was - even up to the largely framed "prayer of Jabez" on the wall next to the girls bathroom. It almost felt like I was in the movie saved. I think that church in the lower mainland is still so crazy to me, because my background is so different. I didn't go to a church that was "seeker friendly". We didn't have any type of "coolness" whatsoever. Well, I was cool and so were some of the kids, but the church itself wasn't. So I have a difficult time understanding why it happens. We were one big messed up family trying to stumble through life. Even as a kid I knew that the adults didn't have it together, because they were so honest about stuff. It was so incredibly unpretentious. It was refreshing. I've never been able to find a place that I've felt so at home in. Even now. Man I miss going to a church where I feel a part of.

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