
Saturday, February 19, 2005

A Bizarre Situation 

So youth group had just ended and Dan and I were waiting around for one more girl to get picked up before we could leave. It was getting somewhat late so she decided to call her mom. She called home only to find out that her mom had gone out partying fort he night and would not be able to pick her up. So we agreed to drive her home. However, as we were leaving, a conflict broke out. The next thing I knew was that there were people shooting at me from all directions. But I had a gun. So I was running around, trying to shoot at them to avoid being killed myself. And I don't really know how to use a gun (not even when playing shooting video games). Yet I ended up not being killed. There were a few people on my side. Except that Dan was not one of them. He was on the other side. I have no idea why. Finally we got out of there. There were three of us together...I don't remember who. We left that place and ended up at an old abandoned building. They were still after us. There was one of them who was absolutely brutal. He was dressed as a clown, but as soon as he was in sight, we knew there was no hope. They were gaining on us. So we kept running. But somehow I got separated from my two companions. I knew I had to hide. I thought perhaps I could hide away until they had all left. Until I saw the clown coming. Then I knew they had it in for me. Still, I tried to hide. And then along came Andrew. The clown had sent him for me (because he, too, was on the other side). However we were friends in the past. So he caught me and said to me, "You have two minutes to get yourself out of here, otherwise I have no choice." So I ran for it. Thanks Andrew, for the mercy. I finally came to a restaurant. A beautiful grounds and high class location. This is perfect, I thought. I will find some people and blend right in. First of all, though, I had to use the washroom. I made the mistake of walking into the guys washroom first (the signs were in another language...how was I to know?). It was wonderful there. Green grass, trees, crystal chandeliers inside. I thought to myself, how nice it would be to get married here. I went into the restaurant which was pretty busy, as it was evening now. I went right to the very back to the windows overlooking the area. There were stars out. I made friends with a little girl and sat there, trying to blend in, looking at the stars, while a couple made out in the chairs behind me. All of a sudden I felt a presence. Oh no, I thought. He is here. No, not the clown. Dan, the one who was against me, yet who I so longed to be close to. It was like the movies. Two people in love, yet arch-nemesis, unable to fulfill their love. He knew I was there. I saw him looking for me. He spotted me. He came over and I knew it was all over. Until...
He didn't take me away like he was supposed to. He kissed me on the forehead. He did love me. He was mine. No matter what happened, they couldn't come between us. I didn't know what was to come next. Would they still send another to take me away? Would Dan and I together defeat them and run away forever? How would the story turn out???

And then, I woke up. And realized it was all just a dream. One that seemed so real. Yet only a dream. The kind I like to call "movie dreams". Yet it was all too good to keep to myself.

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