
Monday, February 14, 2005

The Caper 

By now there is a good possibility that most of you have heard the telling of the caper Allie and I were involved in last Wednesday. For those of you that haven't, and for posterity, here it is.

It was Wednesday evening and I was visiting Abbotsford on my days off. The day had been pretty slow, but in the late afternoon some of the girls and I got together to go shopping (for a Valentine's present for the boyfriend of the only one of us with a boyfriend). We then had to drop off someone for Youth, then someone else wanted to go home (tiredness) and so it was down to Allie and me to go out to a movie. So we went. When we got there we noticed all of these really great, official Academy Awards posters. I really wanted one. After working up some courage, Allie went up to a guy that was working there, who was wearing a blue button down shirt (thereby distinguishing himself from the other employees in their black golf shirts), and asked if a) we could have one or b) if he knew where we could get one. Fruitless. So we went into our designated theatre to watch our chosen movie (The Aviator-which is, by the way, really quite good. Long in parts, but overall, amazing). At the end, we sat through the credits, so when we were leaving, there wasn't really anyone around. Walking past an open door, we spied one of the coveted Academy Awards posters, not in a frame, but stuck on the wall. Decision made. We had to have it. Allie tried first but the tape it was on with was really quite sticky and proved a formidable opponent. So I went in, and Allie kept watch. After wrestling with it a bit, I finally got it down. We hid it in Allie's coat just as someone came by. We smuggled it out.

I do enjoy a good caper. I keep smiling when I think about it. So much fun.

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