
Wednesday, March 09, 2005

a lot of people i know, or, more accuratly, a lot of people i have been getting to know, hate God, or, at the very least, Christians.
and i don't blame them.
i'm not saying that i think it's fair to pin some Christians, or "Christians", behaviour on all of us, and especially on God. and i'm not saying that i hate God or Christians. but i get why they do.
some examples.
Kim-a lesbian who has been in a monogamous relationship for 10 years and whi is currently planning their wedding. 20 years ago she was engaged to a guy and got preganant with his child. they broke up before getting married...she is lesbian and the guy turned out to be gay. she had their son, and he was taken away from her when he was 3 by "religious relatives", and she hasn't seen her son since. they told her that as a lesbian she had no right to have a child and that if she would admit that she wasn't a lesbian "God would let her have her child back."
Nick- a gay man who moved from Calgary less than a year ago because a rather violent group of Christians found out he was gay and beat him at least once a week "in the name of God", sending him to the hospital twice.
Nathan- a skater boy who lives with his girlfriend, has 2 Christian friends that he grew up with that every time he sees tell him that he is going to hell. he thinks it's funny, doesn't actually think he's going to hell, but can't take anything they say seriously.
Danielle- had a boyfriend break up with her when she was 19 because "God told him to". that boyfriend started dating her best friend, another Christian, within a week. her friend then stopped being her friend, giving her the reason that "being friends with you has made me get closer to the devil", and that she felt sorry for her because she was going to hell.
this is just a sampling.
it breaks my heart.

this is the part where i feel like i should give answers or insight. but i think maybe this time i'm just going to leave it what it is.

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