
Thursday, August 18, 2005

It finally happened today.
I finally gave Heffei away.

It was a heroic yet sad final drive to the High School to give him away. I had to charge the car up for an hour and a half, and pump up the tire before I could go. But he made it, because he's a great car. I hope some kid falls in love with him and decides to fix him up. It's funny, I was praying for the new owner of my car as I went down to the school. It felt kind of cheesy, but I just wanted God to bless the new owner like He's blessed me. It's one of those "couldn't hurt" prayers I suppose. Anyways, I must now find a new car.

And by the way Slynn, you and Dan must both find new friends.
Seriously. You should set aside one day a week where you're literally not allowed to see eachother, only other friends. And that way you'll have to find some. I would suggest some kind of party at your grandfather's. He's a hoot.

I'm super tired, so I hope that last paragraph wasn't somehow offensive. I tend to overspeak my mind when I'm tired.

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