
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

So I haven't blogged here in a loooooooong time, but I have a story worth mentioning. The other night, Dan was dropping me off at home and it was pretty late. We were just sitting in the car talking about our plans for the next day when all of a sudden Dan screamed (and I mean screamed!), "HOLY COW!" Startled from my sleepy state, I bolted to life and looked out the window to see the hugest, blackest, cow walkiing right beside the car. Now let me tell you...I live in a residential neighbourhood, quite far away from any farms or anything like that. It was the oddest site I had ever seen. The cow just went trotting down the street, stopping at people's lawns for a second and moving along. But then we heard a vehicle coming and wondered, was this the owner of this lost cow? No, it was not. It was, in fact, the cops, following this cow around. Two cop cars actually, driving along slowly, but doing nothing really to stop the cow. We seriously wondered if we had imagined it all. But a few minutes later as I was heading inside, we see this huge black shadow run through the street...and two cops following. Then on Dan's way home, he said he saw it again at a pretty busy intersection, with the cop cars just sitting there.
And that was that. I wonder what came of the cow.

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