
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Thoughts from the mind of Slynn 

Guys, I really like you all so much! And I miss everyone terribly. I'm a little bit lonely and having a tough time adjusting here in the "beautiful Okanagan valley." Give me some ocean, some big city feel and I'll be okay. I do have my incredibly wonderful fiance who is so amazing...so I'm not complaining...I just want you all to know that you are loved and appreciated so much. And know what else I was thinking? The people who are my true friends are people who I respect tremendously. I think I haven't necessarily been feeling overly respected here and I've realized how important it is to me. So also know that you are respected.
I realize this is such a sappy blog, but it's my only chance right now to express myself and I suppose that I am in a sappy mood. I hope you all don't mind.
In other news, Dan and I went camping this weekend with my folks. It was certainly an experience! I wouldn't recommend camping alone with your folks when you're not married yet, at a campside in the middle of nowhere with no showers or anything. It actually wasn't terrible. There just wasn't a whole lot to do...a little more people stimulation would have been nice. Plus I came down with the stomach flu really bad and stayed in the tent the entire day one day. Dan got to take care of me while I puked in the bushes. Now that's true love!
Congratulations to Moey's mom who got married this weekend. I can't wait to hear about it.
Is anyone coming to Kelowna for the wedding next weekend?
You can pray for me too (by the way Dan, I have been, and will be praying for you). I want to get involved in some sort of counselling, community thing. Perhaps even volunteering for a while. I need to participate in something meaningful outside of myself. Something that makes a difference. Wedding plans just don't cut it. But I still have been sick a lot and don't want to take on too much. Pray for that too.
I might go on a houseboat today. My stomach is still a bit sore though. Either that, or really, really hungry. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference, you know what I mean?
Alrighty, I'm done for now.

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