Friday, November 24, 2006
So, this is just a vent about something that happened at school today. Mostly because no one is here, since you're all scattered throughout the country. Stupidly big country. Oh, by the way, I'm going to be in abbotsford from Dec 13-18. I also need places to stay. Maybe Allie, if possible. I should phone. anways, school thing...
Last week a teacher's assistant gave a lecture on emotional intelligence. it was allright. the problem was, she talked a mile a minute and covered what the amount of information that would usually be covered in a week. We have had no recap, or mention of it since then. Her powerpoint was a million years long with tiny writing. Nice girl, but this bites me in the ass because its on our exam. I was expecting that of course. The thing is, it was very broad and didn't flow in a way that makes things stick in your head easily. And I will emphasise again, rediculously long. So I asked my professor today if there were any specific things that I should be focusing on, because I was a little confused. Then he looked at me slightly condescendingly and smiled, saying "you need to know ALL of it". Shit. Not only is that nearly impossible (seriously its like a weeks worth extra, we have an exam every two weeks so I need to know three weeks worth of stuff). But I felt like that annoying first year who goes up in a high pitched voice "Um, was the stuff you talked about today going to be on the exam?". Which sucks, since I know everything is going to be on the exam. And I've been getting around 90% on his exams (his average ranges between 60 and 70 %). I just hate feeling stupid for asking important questions. Especially after I've proven that I work hard, and clearly understand how he does his exams. And why would I have to know everything the TA taught? its not like it was all significant. I'm confident alot of it was in there because she needs to use lots and lots of words. I guess I just have to cut it all down into important sections. But it was frustrating because my pride was sort of hurt. Interestingly, this is for my motivation and emotion class. funny in an annoying way