
Sunday, July 31, 2005

Happy August Bank Holiday everyone!

Enjoy a day at the beach.
All you workaholics, take a freaking day off already!
That's what the day is for.
Mary Poppins would be proud.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Wow, do I freakinghurt like nobodies business. Here I am in the land of freaking summer, and after one day on the beach I am burnt. In fact I am so red, that I can soometimes not distinguish between my red shirt and my stomach. I am a retard. Anyways, I love it here, it is the most relaxed I have been in months. I literally want to move here...man that would be sweet. Anyways, see you all on friday night...at least thefew whom I live with, and the few who will visit. Peace yo.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Well, my first inaugural post here on the legoland. There should be some fanfare and a ticker tape parade. Or I could just post something. Either way.

I have a question, not really one that requires an answer, so I guess that would make it a rhetorical question. Anyways, at what point in my life did I become a responsible person? I remember times, not to long gone in which I was up for anything. If it sounded like a blast, and especially if some risk was involved, I would be all over it. Unfortunately, I kind of have the feeling that those days are now more a thing of the past and are only really good for good times reminiscing. I mean, I remember being the kind of kid that liked to just do and say stupid things for the sake of a laugh, and while part of that will always be a part of who I am, I find myself more of a talker instead of a do-er. For example, when I see a shopping cart, I am more likely to say, wouldn't that be fun if, rather than just grabbing the cart and going for a ride (except on the night of grad, that was fun). Now, I find myself considering the consequences of my actions, tempering my ambition for reckless abandon with a more conservative approach to situations (at times). I remember when I used to get irritated with those people that would come down on kids because of some of the stupid things they would do, like trying to piss people off just because they can. I used to find those sort of antics funny, but after today, and after getting into a little bit of a testosterone match with a little punk, I realize that I find those kind of antics dumb and not the least bit funny. It scares me that the mature me would probably not be liked by the immature me at all. In fact, immature me would probably break into mature me's house and assault me with a hammer. It is probably not such a bad thing that I have grown up a bit and that life is now more than just one big comedy routine set up for my personal amusement, but I find it hard to swallow that I could have changed so significantly over the years. Surely there has to be room for the adolescent in me to co-exist with the man that I have become. I don't want to be one of those adults that kids hate because they don't have a freaking clue about what it was like to be a kid. I never wanted to lose touch of that, but at the ripe old age of what, 23, I find myself having to struggle to keep an open mind about why kids do what they do. So in conclusion, I am going through an early life crisis (kind of like a mid life crisis, only without the need for a big fast car...Wait I do want a big fast car, or a truck. Nope, definitely a freaking truck). Maybe I'll find some balance, or maybe I will become a crotchety old person who hates everybody. That might be fun to.


Congratulations Andrew.
I read about your new job in the Abbotsford Daily Bugel.
What a story.

There's an answer to prayer.
Many more to follow.

I could use prayer for a new job for the fall. A good job.

Later all.

My retainer looks like a Klingon battlecruiser 

So, I don't have a retainer, or need a retainer, but I do work for House of James, which will have (at some later date) dental coverage, so maybe I could get a retainer. And if I did, I'd get one that looks like a Klingon battlecruiser. Because seriously, who wants to mess with the Klingons?

But yeah, the second interview was great. I was honest about commitments already made, such as three wedding related weekend I might need off. I asked what would happen if I suddenly got a ministry call or something like that. I told him I didn't want to just have a summer job, but at the same time it might turn out that way. And he still offered me the job. So, I start tomorrow or Thursday. If they do direct deposit, maybe I can get an iPod Shuffle from TD.

"He's drunk again, it's time to fight
She must have done something wrong tonight
The living room becomes a boxing ring
It's time to run when you see him
Clenching his hands
She's just a woman
Never again"

"Been there before, but not like this
Seen it before, but not like this"

Sunday, July 03, 2005

I've heard it said that the things we want most are usually the things that will kill us.

Something to think about . . .

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